Erdinc Klima Rittal Pano Sistemleri ve Pano İklimlendirme ve Soğutma Sistemleri BKW Kälte-Wärme-Versorgungstechnik GmbH KELVIN Air Conditioners for Electronic
17 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
Evaporatif Klima Nasıl Hesaplanır?
Evaporatif Klima Hesaplaması
Evaporative cooling is a completely natural way of producing refreshing cool air.
The EcoCooling range of evaporative coolers are:
Low Cost
An ideal way of keeping people, buildings and processes cool.
There are a number of methods determining the number of evaporative coolers required:
- A ventilation system based on the number of air changes per hour
- Performing a heat balance on the building to calculate exhaust temperature
- Spot cooling
In order do complete any calculations both the temperature and the flow rate out of the cooler must be calculated. The method of determining the cooler outlet temperature is described in detail in Section 17. The flow rate of the coolers is dependent on the fan curve and the air distribution system. The principle of the calculation is shown below.
The fan curve for an axial fan, as fitted to all EcoCooling coolers, has the characteristic curve as shown by the blue line. Air distribution systems have a characteristic curve as shown by the green line. By using the design information from the air distribution system and the fan curve given in the cooler specification the actual flow rate can be established. In this case an air flow rate of just over 14,000m 3/hr (3.8m 3/s) is achieved at a static pressure of 150Pa | |
Specialist advice must be taken to establish the actual performance of the system.
This method calculates the number of coolers required based on the number of air changes per hour with a given working volume.
The number of air changes per hour required is based partially on experience and partially on the typical values shown on the table in the next part of this document.
The working volume is that underneath the discharge of the plenum chambers as shown by the blue shaded area in the diagram below.
Example calculation:
A bakery is 20m x 24m and it is proposed to fit ECP plastic external units with a minimum plenum discharge height of 3.5m.
Volume of working area of the building: 20 x 24 x 3.5 = 1680m 3
Target air changes per hour: 30
Target air flow per hour: 30 x 1680 = 50,400m 3/hr
Air flow rate of ECP16000 14,000 m 3/hr@150Pa
Nominal number of coolers required 50,400 / 14,000 = 3.6 = 4 coolers
Therefore the proposal would be 4 ECP16000 coolers together with balanced extract to maintain a small positive pressure.
Ventilation Rates with Air Velocities
Location Air Changes Per Hour
Assembly Halls 4 – 8
Bakeries 20 – 30
Banks 4 - 8
Bathrooms 6 - 10
Bedrooms 2 - 4
Billiard Rooms * 6 - 8
Boiler Rooms 15 - 30
Cafes and Coffee Bars 10 - 12
Canteens 8 - 12
Cellars 3 - 10
Changing Rooms - Main area 6 - 10
Changing Rooms - Shower area 15 - 20
Churches 1 - 3
Cinemas and Theatres * 10 - 15
Club rooms 10 - 12
Compressor rooms 10 - 20
Conference rooms 8 - 12
Dance halls 8 - 12
Dental surgeries 12 - 15
Dye works 20 - 30
Electroplating shops 10 - 12
Engine rooms 15 – 30
Entrance Halls & Corridors 3 - 5
Factories and Workshops 8 - 10
Foundries 15 - 30
Garages (Showrooms) 6 - 8
Glasshouses 25 - 60
Gymnasiums 6 min
Hairdressing Salons 10 - 15
Hospitals - Sterilising 15 - 25
- Wards 6 - 8
Kitchens - Domestic 15 - 20
Commercial 20 -30
Laboratories 6 - 15
Launderettes 10 - 15
Laundries 10 - 30
Lavatories 6 - 15
Lecture theatres 5 - 8
Libraries 3 - 5
Living rooms 3 - 6
Mushroom Houses 6 - 10
Offices 6 - 10
Paint shops (not cellulose) 10 - 20
Photo & X-ray darkrooms 10 - 15
Public house bars 10 - 15
Recording studios 10 - 12
Recording Control rooms 15 - 25
Restaurants 8 - 12
Schoolrooms 5 - 7
Shops and Showrooms 8 - 15
Shower baths 15 - 20
Stores & warehouses 3 - 6
Swimming baths 10 - 15
Toilets 6 - 10
Utility rooms 15 - 20
Welding shops 15 - 30
Exhaust Temperature Calculation – Heat Load
This calculation is based on taking the ambient conditions of the air, calculating the discharge temperature of the evaporative cooler, and then performing an energy balance to achieve a target exhaust temperature from the building.
Ambient temperature Ti °C
Ambient RH RH%
Discharge temperature from cooler Tc °C
Heat generated in building H KW
Target Air temperature out Te °C
Volumetric flow rate of Air V m 3/s
The temperature of the air Tc leaving the evaporative cooler is found by using the psychrometric chart using an adiabatic cooling efficiency of 85%.
The flow rate of air required to meet the target exhaust temperature is then given by:
This flow rate can then be used to select the type and numbers of coolers.
A target temperature of 27 °C is required in a building which has a heat gain of 100KW. The external conditions are 30 °C 35%RH.
Step 1 – Calculate the cooler discharge temperature using the ambient conditions:
At 30 °C 35%RH and a pad efficiency of 85% the discharge temperature from the evaporative cooler is 20.7 °C
Step 2 – Calculate the air flow rate required to maintain the target temperature:
Tc=27.0 °C
H = 100KW
V = 0.78x100/(27.0-20.7)=78/6.3=12.4m 3/s
Therefore a total flow rate of 12.4m 3/s is required
Step 3 – Calculate the number of coolers required:
An ECP16000@150Pa delivers 14,000 / 3600 = 3.8m 3/s
Number of coolers 12.4 / 3.8 = 3.4 = 4 coolers
Exhaust Temperature Calculation – Heat Load with Stratification
The previous method can be further refined if a temperature stratification exists. If the degree of stratification is known then a thermal balance can be done to maintain a temperature at the lowest level in the building.
Ambient temperature Ti °C
Ambient RH RHa%
Heat generated in building H KW
Target Air temperature at lower level Tl °C
Temperature differential Td
Temperature at high level (exhaust) Th
Heat generated in building H KW
Volumetric flow rate of Air V m 3/s
The temperature of the air Tc leaving the evaporative cooler is found by using the psychrometric chart using an adiabatic cooling efficiency of 85%.
The flow rate of air required to meet the target exhaust temperature is then calculated using the following equation:
Air flow = 0.78xH/(Tl+Td-Ti)
A target temperature of 24 °C is required in a building which has a heat load of 150KW. The ambient conditions are 32 °C 30%RH. There is a 5 °C temperature stratification in the building.
Step 1 – Calculate the discharge temperature of the evaporative cooler. (See Section 17)
At 32 °C 30%RH and a pad efficiency of 85% the discharge temperature from the evaporative cooler is 21.2 °C
Step 2 – Calculate the flow rate of air
V=(0.78 x 150)/(24+5-21.2)=117/7.8=15.0m 3/s
Step 3 – Calculate the number of coolers require
An ECP16000@150Pa delivers 14,000/3600=3.8m 3/s
Number of coolers 15.0 / 3.8 = 3.9 = 4 coolers
Spot cooling is calculated based on principles similar to the air changes per hour method. The output from a cooler together with the discharge height of the air can be used to understand the air changes per hour in a given area. A design can then be done to reflect the operating conditions.
A given volume of air discharged at a given height will give the diameter of a circular area from a given target number of air changes per hour to the following calculation.
Height of discharge of air H m
Diameter of circular area D m
Cooler flow rate V m 3/hr
Air Changes per hour A
A = (4 x V)/(3.142xDxDxH)
D = sqrt((4xV)/(3.142xAxH))
What diameter circle will achieve 25 air changes per hour with an ECP16000 producing 14000 m 3/hr with a plenum discharge height of 3.5m?
H = 3.5
A = 25
D = sqrt(4x14000)/(3.142x25x3.5) = sqrt (56000/274.9) = sqrt (203.7) = 14.2m
Evaporatif klima'nın kazandırdıkları
Evaporative Cooling
Procool specialise in providing and supporting professional factory cooling, production space cooling, warehouse cooling and cooling for commercial premises at affordable prices, and without any of the issues that make conventional air conditioning impractical for these spaces.
Natural Air Cooling Process
Using a natural process called evaporative cooling, fresh air is cooled and cleaned for a fraction of the price of air conditioning, and with a massively reduced impact on your energy bills and carbon footprint.
Evaporative Cooling -30 Million Installations
Even with an estimated 30 million installations worldwide, evaporative cooling is still relatively new to the UK. However, with its high efficiency, affordable prices and ability to work without the need to seal your factory or change your working practices, it is fast becoming the standard method for cooling factories and storage spaces to make working conditions safe and acceptable, and to protect stock and processes.
Air Cooling Process Comparison Chart
Evaporative Cooling | Air Conditioning | Forced Ventilation | |
Installation Cost | £6,000 | £18,000 | £4,500.00 |
Energy Costs (hot summer day) | £0.14 per hour | £0.81 per hour | £0.10 per hour |
Average Temperature Drop Inside the Room | 8 deg C at design conditions, more as it gets hotter outside | 8 deg C at design conditions, less as it gets hotter outside | Reduces temperature to a few degrees above outside temperature in ideal conditions, never better |
Carbon Emmisions | 1.5 tonnes per year | 12 tonnes per year | 1.5 tonnes per year |
Air Cooling Processes
The chart below compares evaporative cooling with other air-cooling processes, based on a 20m x 20m factory space. For further details or your FREE on-site 'proof of concept' demonstration, please contact us here.
Permanently Installed Evaporative Cooling | Air Conditioning | Forced Ventilation | Hired Mobile Evaporative Coolers | |
Energy Costs (hot summer day) | £0.14 per hour | £0.81 per hour | £0.10 per hour | £0.14 per hour, plus ventilation costs |
Energy Costs (average summer day) | £0.11 per hour | £0.49 per hour | £0.10 per hour | £0.11 per hour, plus ventilation costs |
Carbon Emissions | 1.5 tonnes per year | 12 tonnes per year | 1.5 tonnes per year | 1.5 tonnes per year |
Installation Cost | �6,000.00 | �18,000.00 | £4,500.00 | �2,500.00 every year, plus forced ventilation costs to make it work |
Average Temperature Drop Inside the Room | 8 deg C at design conditions, more as it gets hotter outside | 8 deg C at design conditions, less as it gets hotter outside | Reduces temperature to a few degrees above outside temperature in ideal conditions, never better | 8 deg C if placed in a doorway with extract, typically zero or even a temperature increase if placed close to the work area |
Air Distribution | Can be the whole room or just problem areas | Whole room. Cold spots can develop close to outlets | Can be the whole room or just problem areas | Very poor �is unlikely to deliver any cooling to the problem area, if placed near a door as required |
Effect of Increasing Outside Temperature | More cooling with no limit | Less cooling, and then complete failure | Still very little temperature reduction. Often turned off in the afternoons to stop it blowing hot air over people and processes | More cooling ONLY if placed outside, otherwise zero cooling |
Fresh Air | 100% filtered fresh air | Recirculated stale air. Fresh air should always be introduced, increasing installation costs and reducing performance | 100% fresh air. Can be filtered at extra cost | Needs fresh air to work, but there is rarely enough available where the cooling is needed |
Operating Conditions | Doors and windows can be left open. Through traffic has no effect | Doors and windows must be closed to create an enclosed environment | Doors and windows can be left open | Must be placed close to a source of 100% fresh air |
Effect on Humidity | Neutral when properly designed. Can be used to humidify if required without losing the cooling effect | Reduces humidity at the expense of cooling effect | Unpredictable, but never better than ambient | Rapidly humidify the room and stop cooling altogether |
Environmental Impact | Low carbon emissions. Low energy use. Zero CFC/HCFC usage. Plain water to drain | High carbon emissions. Requires CFC/HCFC management and possibly monitoring. Compressor contains oil requiring specialist disposal | Very high carbon emissions and energy usage per deg C temperature reduction | Low carbon emissions, but in most applications energy is used for little or no benefit |
(Evaporative cooling) Evaporatif Soğutma
How an Evaporative Cooler Works
In the Arizona desert in the 1920s, people would often sleep outside on screened-in sleeping porches during the summer. On hot nights, bed sheets or blankets soaked in water would be hung inside of the screens. Whirling electric fans would pull the night air through the moist cloth to cool the room.
That concept, slightly more refined, became the evaporative coolers that to this day provide a low-cost, low-technology alternative to refrigerated air conditioning.
An evaporative cooler produces effective cooling by combining a natural process - water evaporation - with a simple, reliable air-moving system. Fresh outside air is pulled through moist pads where it is cooled by evaporation and circulated through a house or building by a large blower. As this happens, the temperature of the outside air can be lowered as much as 30 degrees.
Probably because evaporative coolers add moisture to the air and blow it around, they are sometimes knows as "swamp coolers." Evaporative coolers can work wonderfully well, provided the outside air they are drawing in is dry and desert-like. As the humidity increases, however, the ability for them to cool the air effectively decreases. Simply put, swamp coolers were not designed to work in swamp-like conditions.
Air conditioning, on the other hand, became popular because of its ability to cool the air, no matter what the humidity might be. Even on humid days, room and central air conditioners can lower the temperature to a thermostatically controlled temperature. They also use as much as four times as much electricity than swamp coolers do, and they are more expensive to install and maintain. Air conditioners can require ozone-damaging refrigerants, and they recirculate the same air over and over.
Fairly popular in desert areas, swamp coolers will work fine most of the time in California's more humid climates. Sacramento, for example, averages about 30 percent humidity on a typical hot summer afternoon, still dry enough for evaporative cooling to work effectively. Despite the potential, however, Dick Bourne of the Davis Energy Group estimates that fewer than five percent of California homes and businesses use evaporative cooling.
Want to Know Why Evaporation Lowers Temperature?
The process of evaporation happens all the time. Our bodies, for example, perspire in hot weather; through evaporation the sweat dries and drops our body temperature.
Whenever dry air passes over water, some of the water will be absorbed by the air. That's why evaporative cooling naturally occurs near waterfalls, at rivers, lakes and oceans. The hotter and drier the air, the more water that can be absorbed. This happens because the temperature and the vapor pressure of the water and the air attempt to equalize. Liquid water molecules become gas in the dry air, a process that uses energy to change the physical state. Heat moves from the higher temperature of the air to the lower temperature of the water. As a result, the air is cooler. Eventually the air becomes saturated, unable to hold more water, and evaporation ceases.
How Evaporative Cooling Works
An evaporative cooler is essentially a large fan with water-moistened pads in front of it. The fan draws warm outside air through the pads and blows the now-cooled air throughout the house.The pads can be made of wood shavings - wood from aspen trees is a traditional choice - or other materials that absorb and hold moisture while resisting mildew. Aspen wood pads, also called excelsior, need to be replaced every season or two, and generally cost $20 to $40 for a set.
Small distribution lines supply water to the top of the pads. Water soaks the pads and, thanks to gravity, trickles through them to collect in a sump at the bottom of the cooler. A small recirculating water pump sends the collected water back to the top of the pads.
Since water is continually lost through evaporation, a float valve - much like the one that controls the water in a toilet tank - adds water to the sump when the level gets low. Under normal conditions, a swamp cooler can use between 3 to 15 gallons of water a day.
A large fan draws air through the pads, where evaporation drops the temperature approximately 20 degrees. The fan then blows this cooled air into the house.
Small units can be installed in a window, blowing cooled air directly into a room. Larger units can blow air into a central location, or the air can travel through ductwork to individual rooms.
Normal air conditioning is a closed system, taking air from inside a house and recycling it. For air conditioning to function properly, doors and windows should be closed. Evaporative cooling, however, takes air from outside the house. For evaporative cooling to work properly, the cooled outside air must be allowed to escape. By choosing which doors or windows in your home you leave open, you can to help direct the flow of cooled air to areas where it is needed.
How Well Do Swamp Coolers Cool?
The temperature of air coming out of an evaporative cooler obviously depends on the temperature and the humidity of the air going in. This chart from the .....shows that an evaporative cooler can deliver comfortable air under a wide variety of typical summertime temperature and humidity ranges.
In addition to the dropping the temperature of the air, evaporative cooling offers an additional cooling benefit. The constant movement of the air created by the blower - the cooling breeze it creates, if you will - makes the occupants of a room feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler than the actual temperature. This is the same effect you feel when you turn on a ceiling fan or a simple window fan. For this reason, the "effective temperature" created by an evaporative cooler will feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler than temperatures shown on the chart.
An added benefit of evaporative cooling is that it works best in the hottest time of the day. As the temperature outside increases as the sun climbs, the humidity normally drops. In the early morning, for example, the temperature may be 70 degrees, with a relative humidity of 60 percent. By mid-afternoon, when the temperature has climbed to 90 degrees, the humidity may well have dropped to 30 percent - conditions that make evaporative cooling work more effectively.
how to choose the right-sized evaporative cooler
For a swamp cooler to effectively cool, it must be the proper size for the job. A small portable unit, for example, will not adequately cool a large-sized room.
While the output of air conditioners are rated in BTUs (British Thermal Units), evaporative coolers are rated by CFMs (the cubic feet per minute of air that the cooler can blow into your home).
Whether it is for a single room or a whole house, there is a simple formula for determining the proper size of swamp cooler you need. Figure the cubic feet of space you want to cool, and then divide that number by two. The quotient will give you the CFM rating for the proper-sized swamp cooler.
For example, if you have a 1,500 square foot home with 8 foot-high ceilings:
1,500 x 8 = 12,000 cubic feet 12,000 % 2 = 6,000 CFM needed
Benefits of Evaporative Cooling
- Thanks to a new awareness of energy efficiency, evaporative coolers are achieving a new popularity. Remember, swamp coolers use as much as 75 percent less electricity as air conditioning does. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District estimates the electricity savings at approximately $150 a year. For hotter desert climates, the savings can be much more.
- Because the technology is simpler, an evaporative cooler costs about half as much as an air conditioner that will cool the same sized area. Some California utilities, such as PG&E, also offer rebates up to $300 to electricity customers who install whole-house evaporative systems. For perspective, a quick check of the internet in July 2001, found units capable of cooling 750 square feet that were priced as low as $275. Installation costs of swamp coolers are comparable to air conditioning units.
- Evaporative coolers operate on 120-volt electricity, which means they don't need special high-amperage circuits like many air conditioners do. A swamp cooler can be plugged into a nearby outlet.
- Many people appreciate the fact that evaporative cooling adds moisture to the air, which helps to keep wood furniture and fabrics from drying out. The moist pads through which the outside air flows are also fairly efficient air filters, trapping some dust and pollen. Since the pads are continually wetted, trapped particles are flushed out and trapped in the bottom of the cooler.
- Air conditioning works best when the windows are closed, since interior air is cooled and recirculated. Because swamp coolers cool outside air and blow it into the house, however, to work effectively they need at least one window open. The cooled outside air vents through open windows or doors, pushing out hot inside air and any smoke, odors and pollution that may be present. With evaporative cooling, a complete air change in a home occurs every one-to-three minutes. This flow of fresh air means that evaporative coolers can be operated without using the water pump to replace warm stale air with cooler nighttime air, much like a whole house fan does. That's an added benefit.
- Small evaporative coolers can be often placed in windows, much like a window air conditioner. This requires very little installation. Larger units usually require ducts to distribute the air, but these can be an existing forced air duct system in the house.
- For the most part, evaporative cooling doesn't require as much ductwork as air conditioning. For a newly installed system, a short duct can direct the cooled air to a central point in the house. From there, air can be directed through the various rooms by simply opening and closing doors and windows to allow the cooled air to flow.
Drawbacks to Evaporative Cooling
The main drawback of swamp coolers is that they depend on dry outside air to operate effectively. This is usually not a problem for most of California, which has a desert or Mediterranean climate. On hot, muggy days in the summer, however, swamp coolers will blow hot, humid, soggy air into the house. If the humidity stays high for several days, the moist pads that make the evaporative cooler work can begin to smell, and the musty odor can be blown into the house.
Unfortunately for parts of the California desert and for much of the desert Southwest, July and August constitute the rainy season, when monsoon storms sweep north from Baja California. With high temperatures accompanied by high humidity, these months can be the least favorable for swamp coolers.
Evaporative cooling requires water to keep pads wet - a consideration in some areas, especially in drought years. Water consumption can run from three to 15 gallons a day, depending on the size of the swamp cooler and whether or not the water is collected and pumped through the pads more than once. In some areas, discarded water from the unit can be an environmental concern.
Evaporative coolers can be hooked up to existing forced air duct systems. Because the air delivered by an evaporative system will be warmer than the air supplied by an air conditioner, however, evaporative coolers need to produce more air flow. That means the duct system may have to be larger to handle the volume of air and to effectively cool the house.
What's New
Two stage evaporative coolers have been developed that pre-cool air before it goes through the moistened pad. The new coolers are reported to be as effective as air conditioning, but their initial cost is high - around $5,000 for a whole house system, approximately the same as air conditioning. The price may come down as more such systems are sold, but for the time being two-stage systems are hard to find.
Evaporative coolers are now on the market that use photovoltaic panels to create the electricity used to run the blower and the water pump. For hot, desert areas, the combination of evaporative cooling and solar power are a perfect match: the afternoon, when the most solar energy is available, is also the hottest part of the day, when cooling is most needed. And since swamp coolers use a fraction of the energy of air conditioners, PV cells can provide enough electricity to run the system effectively.
Neden (Evaporative Cooling )Evaporatif Soğutma
Evaporative cooling has gained rapid acceptance because the process relies solely on water evaporation with extremely low energy consumption to produce a significant amount of cooling.
Evaporative cooling will generally pay for itself (including installation) in just a few seasons. This equates to a valuable investment for consumers, who on the average, own the same home for 5-6 years. Also, the low cost of maintaining this equipment is an added advantage to the end user.
Evaporative cooling makes sense as add-on equipment to complement existing refrigerated air systems. Installing an evaporative cooler significantly reduces the amount of time that mechanical refrigeration is needed in a given season and the associated higher cost of operation.
December 1, 1999
Phoenix Manufacturing Inc. (PMI), takes Dual Air Mobile!
Respecting the contractor and the limited amount of time they have for new product presentations, the Dual Air Plus Heat unit can be brought to them.
This specially engineered trailer contains a fully operational demonstration unit that can be rolled out on it�s own mobile cart for viewing and shows. During outside expositions the 10 foot square awning, which is also stored in the trailer, can be assembled in a matter of minutes. Wholesale distributors and contractors can call to request a �road show� presentation.